Wendy Kleiner


The connection between you and your home is one of the most important things to achieving wellness. When your home’s energies are positively aligned with your energy, there is magic that happens. Your vibrations match, you are in complete alignment and there is a peace, wholeness, and belonging that occurs. Through the high vibrations that are created, you are able to achieve harmony, peace, balance, clarity, love, and abundance. You now can easily manifest all of your dreams and goals.

Hesitant? Ask us how we can help you move forward? Maybe a discovery call can help?


Knowing that you want to feel differently is the first step. Choosing to take action is powerful. Give us a call and find out if HEAL™ designs are right for you.

Take the next step. Book a call with Wendy to find out more!

virtual design consultation


Work with Wendy and her team to receive expert design advice on how to transform the appearance and energy of your space to fit your lifestyle, as well as bring wellness into your environment. Enjoy all the benefits of this expertise right from the comfort of your home.

Please note: larger spaces may require multiple sessions.


90 minutes

This consultation will offer a fresh perspective of your home and bring an awareness of the energy of your space. You will also receive personalized color and design suggestions, as well as find out what energies are behind your own personal style.

In home private design


Are you ready to energize and uplift the vibration in your space? Let Wendy provide her expert design advice on how to transform the appearance and energy of your environment to help you connect with your home and align with your truest self.

The environment you live in says a lot about you in the present and if it doesn’t match where you want to be in life, you can change it for the better.

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